
Displaying 301 - 320 of 466 Records
Notice for Forestry Internship Program 2075 | Monday, February 11, 2019

7th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019) | Friday, January 18, 2019

7th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019)
Nov. 08-11, 2019, Pokhara, Nepal

Theme: “Eco-friendly Animal Production for Profitable Smallholder Farming”

Sustainable animal agriculture significantly contributes to local economy, livelihood, job opportunity, public health safety as well as food and nutritional security. Many forums across the world have emphasized the need of sustainable animal agriculture, especially in developing countries. One of such international forums is the Sustainable Animal Agriculture for the Developing Countries (SAADC). The first conference of SAADC was held in Kunming, China in 2007 followed by Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2009, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand in 2011, Lanzhou, China in 2013, Pattaya, Thailand in 2015 and Malang, Indonesia in 2017. To continue this effort, the 7th international conference has been scheduled for November 2019 in Nepal. Nepal Veterinary Association (NVA) in collaboration with other national (Department of Livestock Services, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal Veterinary Council, Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperative, Gandaki Province, Nepal Animal Science Association, Nepal Fisheries Society, Heifer International Nepal) and International (Michigan State University, University of Florida, Tuskegee University, International Livestock Research Institute, International Centre for Research on Agriculture and Forestry) and international agencies are going to organize the 7th SAADC (SAADC 2019) in Nov. 08-11, 2019, Pokhara, Nepal. For more details and updates, click to





Extending Our Reach:
Improving human nutrition and incomes through effective livestock research and extension partnerships

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems at the University of Florida is hosting the Third Global Nutrition Symposium in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 25 and 26, 2019. This year’s theme is Extending Our Reach: Improving human nutrition and incomes through effective livestock research and extension partnerships. This Symposium will bring together ministers of agriculture and livestock production, livestock and nutrition researchers, top university administrators, extensionists, and policy-makers globally to discuss and develop actionable strategies to bridge the research and extension gap and to demonstrate how the production and consumption of nutritious animal-source foods (ASF) can result in improved nutrition, health, incomes, and livelihoods, especially for vulnerable women and children. The Symposium will highlight the pathways for connecting research to extension and other advisory services in different countries to foster greater research delivery and diffusion through extension services in developing countries.
For more details and updates, visit at

Profiling of Academic Achievement Award | Thursday, December 27, 2018

Ms. Arati Joshi is a final year student of faculty of agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur. Chitwan. Ms. Joshi had recently won the Young Academics Program 2018, in a research poster competition. 'Young Academics Program Peru Edition', organized by GlobalG.A.P, is a renowned award. The presenters were judged on the basis of abstract in the first phase and research poster in the second phase. The competition was open for all the academic personalities across the globe. Ms. Joshi is the youngest winner of the competition till date. She had presented the research findings in the GlobalGAP Summit that was organized at Lima, Peru during 5-7 November, 2018.

The link to the website of the program is:

The link for youtube video is:

The topic of the research article was "Gender Role in Rural Farming System: A Case from Kanchanpur District". Mr. Dharmendra Kalauni, final year student, faculty of agriculture, and Prof. Dr. Durga Devkota, Co-ordinator of Rural Sociology and Development Studies Program, AFU helped Ms. Joshi throughout the research work, and are the co-author of the research poster as well.

Ms Joshi can be reached to this e-mail ID: [email protected]

Directorate of Research and Extension, AFU
Rampur, Chitwan

Notice regarding closure of unofficial social sites | Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Notice regarding the National Agriculture and Forestry Education Policy | Saturday, November 24, 2018

Notice for PG Students | Friday, September 21, 2018

Notice regarding Student Exchange Program for M.Sc.Ag. 3rd Sem. Students | Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blake Rubin Scholarship | Thursday, June 21, 2018

>>> Click here to apply <<<

The Blake Rubin Scholarship was created to help future generations get the education needed to prepare for adulthood. Since the price of obtaining higher learning is always increasing, the goal of this scholarship is to help get one student one step closer to obtaining their desired degree.

Applicants will be required to submit a 500-word essay no later than January 31st, 2019, and the winner will be awarded a $1000 scholarship by February 31st, 2019.


  • Current high school seniors that have been accepted into a university or college
  • Current university or college students (including undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students) who aren’t in their final year of study.


Blake Rubin wants to hear your answer to the question, “Who is your role model in life and why?”, in 500 words or less.

Application Process:

When submitting your application for the Blake Rubin Scholarship, please be sure to fill out each field in the form below completely. There are no fees associated with this scholarship. However, you are granting Blake Rubin permission to use your information for promotional and marketing purposes if you are selected as the Blake Rubin Scholarship winner.

Submission Deadline:

The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2019. Applications submitted after this date may be considered for the following year’s scholarship.

Winner Selection:

Once the scholarship closes a committee will review all of the applicants and contact the winner. The winner has two weeks to respond before a winner up is selected. Once the winner has responded $1000 will be sent to their school’s financial aid department.

>>> Click here to apply <<<

कृषि संकाय अन्तर्गत संचालित कलेजहरुमा करार सेवामा उप-प्राध्यापक पदको अन्तर्वार्ता सम्बन्धि सुचना | Thursday, May 3, 2018

कृषि संकाय अन्तर्गत संचालित कलेजहरुमा करार सेवामा उप-प्राध्यापक पदको आवस्यकता सम्बन्धि सुचना | Friday, April 27, 2018

कृषि संकायको लागि करार सेवामा उप-प्राध्यापक पदको अन्तर्वार्ता सम्बन्धि सुचना | Tuesday, April 24, 2018

कृषि संकायको लागि करार सेवामा उप-प्राध्यापक पदको उम्मेदवारहरुको अपुग प्रमाणपत्रहरु पेश गर्ने सम्बन्धि सुचना | Monday, April 16, 2018

Approved Research Proposals for Funding Under Fourth Call, DOREX, AFU, 2018 | Thursday, March 29, 2018

कृषि संकायको लागि आ.ब. २०७४/०७५ को परामर्शदाताहरुको सुचिकृत फर्मको नामावली | Monday, March 26, 2018

कृषि संकायको लागि करार सेवामा उप-प्राध्यापक पदको अन्तर्वार्ता सम्बन्धि सुचना | Thursday, February 22, 2018

Proceeding of Strategic Planning Workshop Improving Wildlife Health Capacity in Nepal | Tuesday, January 23, 2018


NAPA CONFERENCE 2018 "Call for Abstracts" | Friday, October 20, 2017

The first biennial NAPA 2018 Conference focuses on securing food, feed, fuel, and fiber (F4) for ever increasing populations through advanced agricultural innovations, best management practices, and environmentally friendly sustainable agricultural production systems with equitable distribution in a world of widening inequalities, increased climate variability, dynamic land-use, and volatile agricultural markets. The NAPA Conference Organizing Committee (COC) is pleased to announce the theme "Global Food Security through Agricultural Transformation" for the Biennial Conference. Invited speakers and many concurrent sessions will be arranged to promote and celebrate this theme. However, the conference is open to submissions of abstracts on any topics related to Agricultural and Allied Sciences. This call solicits abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Also, there will be separate competitive oral and poster presentation sessions for students. The first three winners of each of the student sessions will be recognized and awarded cash prize and certificate of appreciation.

The abstract is limited to 300 words, and it must be submitted in a word /pdf file.

For more details, visit
