
Displaying 341 - 360 of 466 Records
Notice | Wednesday, October 19, 2016

MSc Program in Plant Biology at Tel Aviv University | Monday, August 29, 2016

Master Degree in Medicinal Plant Sciences in India | Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Notice for Standing list 2073-074 | Thursday, June 30, 2016

Notice | Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Notice | Monday, June 13, 2016

Postponed Notice | Thursday, June 9, 2016

3rd Call Proposals-results-B | Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Appointment of Deans | Sunday, May 15, 2016
The Executive Council of AFU has appointed Prof. J. P. Datta as Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Prof. Dr. S. Thapaliya as Dean of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries. Congratulation to newly appointed Deans !!!

Third Call | Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Admission Form submission extension notice | Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Extension for Paper Submission Date | Monday, May 2, 2016

A visit to the US Universities | Monday, April 25, 2016
A visit to some of the US universities was made by the honorable Vice-Chancellor of Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Prof. Dr. Ishwari Prasad Dhakal , accompanied by Prof. Dr. Naba Raj Devkota, Research Director at AFU during 4th to 14th April 2016. The visit was mainly focused to strengthen relationship between AFU and Michigan State University (MSU) also to heighten true partnership between the two universities. Accordingly, several dignified authorities at MSU including President Lou Anna K. Simon were met and exchange of ideas was the core part of visit as both the universities run by following Land Grants model of executing teaching, research and extension as core function of the university system. The visit remained fruitful in exploring several opportunities to exchange students and faculty members; to work jointly for competitive research proposal bidding and also to use laboratory facilities and learn from existing success stories. Key personnel with whom several meetings were held include: Prof. Douglas D. Buhler ,Dean College of Agriculture and Natural Resources ; Prof. John Baker, Dean College of veterinary Medicine , Associate Dean and Directors, HOD, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine/Animal Health, and the coordinator of South Asia Partnership Initiatives at MSU. Seminar presentation on Global One Health-Nepal experiences, Present status of Agriculture and Forestry University and about Research Activities at AFU was also done during the visit. Simultaneously, a brief visit was also made to the University of Michigan, Anarbor, and interactions with Nepalese delegates and scholars was done to strengthen the relationship between the universities. Prof. Nanda P. Joshi, International Director, Department of Veterinary Medicine, and Prof. Murari Suvedi, Senior Associate to the Dean at MSU remained instrumental to organize this visit. Meanwhile, a brief visit was also made by Prof. Dr. Naba Raj Devkota to the Texas A&M University, AgriLife Research Centre and seminar was presented on research activities at AFU. Nepalese students and Faculties residing at MSU and Texas A & M were addressed and highlighted the recent activities and future program of AFU.

Extension of proposal submission date | Third call | Monday, April 18, 2016

3rd call of proposal, AFU | Monday, March 28, 2016

Professors' visit at AFU | Monday, February 29, 2016

Professors' Visit at AFU

Three Professors from India Dr. M.Hazarika, Prof. Livestock Product Technoilogy from Assam Agriculture University, Dr. T.V. Raaju, Prof. Seed Processing and Dr. P. Subbian, Prof. Agribusiness Management from Tamil Nadu Agriculture University visited AFU for a couple of week and assisted our Faculty in Curriculum Development and Laboratory establishment.

Similarly, Dr. Grzegorz Mikusinski, Forest Biologist from SLU Sweden and Dr. Katarzyna Iwinska, Sociologist from Poland visited AFU and explored on Sustainability education and Conservation ecology.

AFU Organized International Workshop on Wildlife Health | Monday, February 15, 2016

International workshop on Wildlife Health

Strategic planning workshop on “Wildlife Health Capacity in Nepal" was held on Feb. 6 to 8, 2016 in collaboration with Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), University of California Davis, USA and WWF, Hariyo Ban. Inaugural session was chaired by DG DNPWC Mr. Fanindra Raj Kharel and Chief guest was Hon’ble Minister of Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation  Mr. Agni Prasad Sapkota, Special guest was Mr. Uday Chandra Thakur, Secretary MoFSC. Key note speech was given by Dr. Richard Kock from Royel Veterinary College, UK.

Dr. Richard Kock from UK, Dr. Gretchen Kaufman, Dr. Joseph Gaydos, Dr. Christine Johnson and Dr. Deborah from USA have attended the workshop. Delegates from USAID, WWF, FAO, NZFHRC, DLS, DNPWC, NARC, NVC, AHD, AHTCS, EDCD, PAHS, BCN, CMDN, NTNC, HICAST, AFU etc. attended the workshop. Altogether 60 participants contributed the workshop to make it grand success !

VC of AFU Prof. Dr. I. P. Dhakal worked as key driver to organize this workshop. In the workshop, Prof. Dhakal emphasized the cross species emerging infectious diseases and need of wildlife health professionals to capacitate the disease diagnostic service and study need to reduce the disease transmission ecology among domestic animals, wildlife and people. He also added that AFU will plan for national wildlife disease surveillance for the detection of zoonotic diseases in wildlife and support government to access need of wildlife health management program and their willingness to provide support for wildlife health capacity in the country.

This workshop focused on education and training, major diseases of wildlife, domestic animal and people, wildlife trade and captive animal management. Two committees are formed to develop report and for the advocacy of the workshop outcome.  First committee is composed of on the co-ordinatorship of Dr. Bhumi Nand Devkota with  Dr. Doj Raj Khanal from NARC and Dr. Naresh Subedi from NTNC as the members. Second committee is for advocacy which is formed on the co-ordinatorship of NVC Chair Dr. Dhana  Raj Ratala with members from AFU Prof. I. P. Dhakal and Zudy Oglethorpe from WWF Hariyoban. The advocacy group will convince 3 different Ministries such as MoFC, MoH and Ministry of Livestock Development for the implementation of the strategic plan.

B.Sc. Forestry | Thursday, February 4, 2016

AFU signed MoU signed with | Friday, January 8, 2016

Letter from MoE to "STOP new admission" by TU at Hetauda Campus | Tuesday, December 15, 2015
